Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Reason for Blog

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Having finished directing the IGRC Extension Course of Study and handing the leadership into the capable hands of Dr. Mike Jones, I have embarked upon the task of being the associate pastor of a five-point parish near our home in Mattoon, IL. The churches are in and around Strasburg and Stewardson, IL with Kathy Lewis as directing pastor.

I have found Pastor Lewis to be a very kind and caring pastor who works very hard.

I hope to make some observations about what it means to be a retired pastor who is now, after two years of retirement, back in the saddle, if you will.

The reason I retired anyway

I have begun to wonder if there wasn't a reason I retired in the first place. While I do still enjoy preaching at the five churches, there is so much that goes on. Here, during Advent, we have pot luck dinners of all kinds at the various churches, a Christmas cantata on a Saturday evening, two Christmas Eve services at two different locations and a Children's Program on a Sunday evening.

We thought that we would be able to go to different places after I retired and go see our children, too. But, they all work and have their own schedules, so the weekends are best for most of them. But, I preach on weekends ! And I have these other things that I need to do. What gives?

So, I am thinking, "Oh, yes. That's why I retired anyway -- so we could do a few things we wanted to do. Life is short at it's longest and we should spend quality time with family. Then, we should make a difference in others' lives. Eternity beckons and we will not be able to do anything here once we have left. As far as I know, only one person came back after dying and that wasn't for a very long time.

In the end, it is God that we must please, for it is to God we all must give an account. May I be found faithful.